THU, 01 MAY 2008 01:05:18 GMT
It's been a while in coming, but tonight's Intense return to London was more than worth the wait for us! A few old friends combined with a whole load of new ones made it a real party atmosphere, and we enjoyed every minute of it up there. Not only that, but the amount of merch we sold suggests that a lot of other people enjoyed it too- so cheers to you all!
We've finished up the night with beers and a great laugh with the Blitzkrieg guys in the hotel; superb way to round off an excellent day. Special thanks to Intense friend extraordinaire Dirk - who only came all the way from Germany to see us and Blitzkrieg!
Newcastle seems like ages ago - and yet we can't believe it's the last night of this current tour together tomorrow already. Looking forward to a fun night in Leeds to round things off!